Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Here's a recap: Drove in the heavy rain on Sunday to Loudon, New Hampshire with buddy Nick in a black Evo 8. We stayed at the Red Roof Inn and woke up around 6:30AM to get ready. We started the morning with some instruction on the basics of cornering (apex, threshold braking etc.) then it was our turn to drive. I was placed in the novice class and most novices have their instructors drive their vehicles first before they do, but because I had prior experience to the track my instructor said I didn't need to and was off on the track right away. It took me about 5-6 laps before I remembered the correct line and after 25 some odd minutes of lapping on the track I was able to get a feel for the AWD Evo. The first run was very slippery because it was still damp from the rain the night before but I didn't notice a difference in my full thread toyo RA1s. As the day progressed I got faster and faster and it got to the point where I was able to pass every single car in my group, especially when the track became drier from the warming weather and tires being broken in. I was told from my instructor that I should've been placed in the intermediate instead of novice group but next time I will do that because there were a lot of bad drivers out there... particularly people who braked at the wrong places, with bad driving lines, and erratic driving behaviors. Basically the schedule of the day was class for 30 minutes, driving for 30 minutes, class for 90 minutes, drive for 30 minutes, then drive for 30 minutes. This was my second time at the track so there were no new surprises just a whole lotta fun!

Here's a picture of me:

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